
Issue 005

It's hard to put into words / Page 6

All My Friends Regardless

Author: Joe Dunthorne

All my friends regardless,
come to my garden and pretend to get along.
Please let me introduce the scientists. Yes,
he studies the behaviour of bees.
Friends from my childhood,
I do not think you stupid and boring.
Assistant editors, step away from the pond.
This man has written a dystopian
sci-fi novel; this man is an eco-carpenter.

I am on the roof, feeling so various,
astonished by my own width,
with water bombs in each hand.

Joe's pamphlet, and indeed this poem, is in the second wave of Faber New Poets. His first novel Submarine is being made into a movie by Warp Film. Joe is also a favourite at Mercy's live events.

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